Sunday, April 19, 2015

Severe weather time is upon us.

Good Afternoon friends! 

We had an awesome week at the Academy of Maryland Farms learning about farm animals and celebrating the week of the young child! As we are gearing up for the summer I have been reminded that the season for severe weather is upon us. At the Academy we have established plans on how we handle severe weather such as tornado warnings, watches, and severe thunderstorm warnings. This type of weather can often cause stress and anxiety in children, and they do not know how to handle these emotions. First and foremost it is important for your family to have a plan of action in the case of a tornado, and that your whole family knows where the safe location. Typically it is the smallest room at the center of the house, or the basement. 

Now that you know everyone is safe, here are a few tips to help calm your little ones when the weather has them scared. 

1. Play some calming music.
2. Read them a story to take their mind off of the outdoors. 
3. Talk to them about what they are feeling, seeing, and hearing. 
4. Reassure them they are safe (But please do not dismiss or invalidate their fear).
5. To have a collection of toys at the safe location. 

I hope you find this helpful, and you all have a fantastic rest of the weekend. Stay safe! We look forward to seeing all of your faces on Monday morning!